God’s Grip

It was a Sunday like any other: warm and peaceful. But for four-year-old John, it was an exciting day. His dad was taking him out for a walk.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It was a Sunday like any other: warm and peaceful. But for four-year-old John, it was an exciting day. His dad was taking him out for a walk.As they strolled along the Nyamirambo ‘Highway’, John suddenly tore his hand from his fathers’ and dashed into the busy road. It was exciting the way the cars were moving and he wanted to join them, oblivious to the danger that awaited him. Like lightning, his father jumped after him, got hold of his hand, tightened his grip and the stroll continued.The child wasn’t amused by his father’s action and he screamed with annoyance, struggling to free himself from the painful grip.This can be likened to the relationship between us and God! As we walk along life’s way with God, many times we disengage ourselves from His grip. This we do in order to join the excitements of this world which are as dangerous as the busy road. However, God always draws us back to Him, sometimes letting us to suffer in some way.