Don’t let relationships affect your studies

Repeatedly teachers, parents, elders and even friends tell you that relationships are not good when one is still in school. However, we must face the fact that relationships are very common and somehow it is difficult for students to avoid them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Repeatedly teachers, parents, elders and even friends tell you that relationships are not good when one is still in school. However, we must face the fact that relationships are very common and somehow it is difficult for students to avoid them. Even when you are already in one and feel you cannot live your life without it, do not let it get to you. Teen relationships are always characterised by drama and eventually breakups and like it or not you are not going to stay with that partner for long. During high school, a girl dated a boy from another school. One day, she found out that he was cheating on her and yet she loved and trusted him so much. Even though she was among the brightest kids in school, she was so disappointed that she failed her end of year examinations. This came as no surprise as she had drastically declined in her class performance and couldn’t concentrate on her reading—all because of the relationship. At school, academic excellence should be a priority. When it comes to socialising and building relationships, it’s better to stick friendships that are useful. With friendship or strict boundaries, you will cultivate discipline and hence excel. Relationships come with a lot of emotional baggage and many teenagers are unable to balance whatever they feel with their studies. If you think you can’t keep away from relationships, which most teens do, then set some boundaries before you get affected for the rest of your life as a result of poor hoices.