What’s the Next, Next?

A person I met recently broke down this theory for me, which I found very appealing based on its ability to inspire energy, momentum and general forward thinking. “What’s the next, next?” is a mindset or way of thinking that seeks answers beyond the final and well-crafted decision. Well, at least this is the interpretation I made as this person explained it to me, making mental notes to research this so-called theory further.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Diana Mpyisi

A person I met recently broke down this theory for me, which I found very appealing based on its ability to inspire energy, momentum and general forward thinking. "What’s the next, next?” is a mindset or way of thinking that seeks answers beyond the final and well-crafted decision. Well, at least this is the interpretation I made as this person explained it to me, making mental notes to research this so-called theory further. Interestingly though, I am yet to find any significant literature on "what’s the next, next,” prompting me to make various interpretations as I go along. Trying and applying this theory on a host of personal decisions or on national or global trends, has proved fun and somewhat eye-opening. In fact, one can call it the adult version of the common question each newly speaking toddler asks; "and then what?” The maddening curiosity three-year olds display by constantly questioning everything about them is how they learn more of their surroundings. Perhaps the same can be said too of their parents who take time to think of what comes next after next. Not only is this forward thinking, but fast-forward thinking if you ask me.Take for example the recent announcement by Rwanda’s Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) to begin power rationing to avert a potential energy crisis, as demand for electricity in the country is surpassing supply.

This is the next plan that EWSA has in store to deal with this potential crisis. However, the question is after this, what next? Is this a temporary or permanent solution? Either way, what is the next "next” after the decision to power ration? Applied to the stellar business environment being created in Rwanda, the "what’s the next, next” theory would probably translate into a couple of questions, some being – what next after registering businesses in Rwanda? What next after starting operations and what does this mean for business owner and customer alike? What is the longevity of the newly registered business for both foreigner and Rwandan alike?I would hate to be at the receiving end of these questions, the same way I’m sure many an adult has told an inquisitive toddler to stop asking questions and go play. But keep nurturing that toddler’s exasperating albeit curious mind and you will have nurtured a dynamic child.

The idea of patiently thinking about the scenario after the next one already thought of may have the potential to create a series of really well-thought out plans. And a life made simpler with a roadmap that thinks of the next scenario after the next.