Consider civil servants’ pay raise

Editor, Allow me to congratulate the Finance minister John Rwangombwa upon his presentation of the draft budget for the 2012/13 fiscal year to the both chambers of parliament.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Finance Minister John Rwangombwa arrives at Parliament to present the budget last year. The New Times file photo

Editor,Allow me to congratulate the Finance minister John Rwangombwa upon his presentation of the draft budget for the 2012/13 fiscal year to the both chambers of parliament.

From the estimates, it is clear that the country’s budget will increase, with the minister indicating that infrastructure projects will be prioritized.However, I wish to point out something that’s close to my heart. I believe it is important that the government gives a pay raise to civil servants. Our country’s public service is famed for efficiency and quick delivery when it comes to serving the people. In fact our country is actively leveraging its human capital as it pursues both its short- and long-term development goals. Standards of living have also gone up, ye t salaries for civil servants have remained unchanged for some years.As such, it is critical that the people who are driving this transformational process are motivated to continue doing their best. I hope Mr Rwangombwa and the entire government will consider increasing civil servants’ salaries in the upcoming fiscal year.Godfrey