HIV mortality rate down to 5pc

Rwanda’s HIV mortality rate has reduced to 5 per cent compared to 7 per cent two years ago.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rwanda’s HIV mortality rate has reduced to 5 per cent compared to 7 per cent two years ago.According to the coordinator of HIV and STI’s care and treatment in Ministry of Health, Dr Sabin Nsanzimana, Rwanda has managed to register such success as a result of the universal coverage of Anti retroviral treatment (ART). Nsanzimana disclosed that ART now stands at 94 percent from less than 30 percent in the last 5 years. Over 100,000 patients are on Anti-retroviral treatment. He also said that there is an automatic system that tallies data on monthly basis showing the status of the HIV mortality rate.Decentralisation of HIV services and treatment is another reason Rwanda is making progress in curbing HIV mortality rate, according to Nsanzimana.However, he added there is an estimate of 8,000 new infections in Rwanda down from  12,000 five years ago basing on information from UNAIDS.100 per cent of the Rwandan population is now aware of the HIV plight because of the universal awareness of AIDS according to the 2010 DHS report. "We have managed to train many of the health providers who offer services for persons living with HIV.Persons living with HIV are also given support and followed up besides being given free Art’s,” he added.However, basing on the latest Demographic Health Survey report 2010, the HIV Prevalence rate has remained the same and has been at 3 percent since 2005.In response to the above, Dr.Nsanzimana said that there are hardly any death resulting from being infected with HIV as almost all the infected are on Anti retro viral treatment, which is why the prevalence rate has been static since 2005.Dr.Nsanzimana stated that most importantly there is strong commitment of leaders from all levels that are playing their role in ensuring that people are aware about the HIV scourge and those infected with it receive the necessary help.