Being a leader calls for ones skills not sex

Women can make leaders just as men do. For one to be a leader and an administrator for that matter does not have to be based on sex.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Women can make leaders just as men do. For one to be a leader and an administrator for that matter does not have to be based on sex.

Some people are born leaders that even if they did not go to school, they have the ability to lead and when we go to school, we only add on what we already had as a talent or discipline instilled in us from childhood.

Though men have always been taken to be leaders even without leading abilities, some women are naturally born leaders and do not panic when it comes to holding bigger offices.

Women are leaders right from family level; men just come in because most women do not own property or earn salaries.

This means that being a leader will not depend on one’s sex but personal abilities and skills.

We have had many male administrators failing companies or leading miserable lives due to lack of self esteem especially when their childhood was tinted by harassment or misery which can as well be true to women.

However, if someone had a good childhood with responsible parents, whether man or woman is likely to make a good leader with a chance of attaining skills.

That person will not have to be mindful of his sex or status in society but with zeal to lead without fear or favour.

The men bosses who tease female workers with sexual harassment is part of inferiority complex, they are likely to harass men workers suspecting them of having relationships at work.

Likewise female bosses who harass their juniors also suffer from the same.

Men like women can make good or bad leaders depending on what their past has been.
