Protect farmers from unscrupulous dealers

Members of a cooperative of pepper growers in Rugarama Sector, Gatsibo District, have complained about how they were duped into growing large quantities of pepper.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Members of a cooperative of pepper growers in Rugarama Sector, Gatsibo District, have complained about how they were duped into growing large quantities of pepper.Buoyed by promises of a ready market, the farmers pulled resources and invested heavily in the crop. After harvest the buyers were no longer available and today, the pepper is going to waste with the farmers counting losses. Local authorities have promised to pursue the matter and expose those who duped the farmers. This case is an example of the various challenges that farmers across the country face. A number of smallholders have embraced the spirit of working together in cooperatives. Many have since benefited from the accruing economies of scale, with better returns on investment and better access to credit facilities and support.Nonetheless, smallholder farmers need to be supported to access the right seed varieties, advisory services and markets. The Government and other actors should also seek to improve the entire value chain and to ensure that produce moves from areas of plenty to those in need, whether inside or outside the country.  Farmers also need to be protected from ill-intentioned people who shamelessly exploit them.