Vocational skills must be embraced by all

Editor, I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times yesterday titled “Embrace vocational skills, girls told”.  In the story, Eng. Diogene Mulindahabi the Principal of Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) in Kigali called on female students to embrace vocational and technical studies.

Monday, May 21, 2012
Young people have the opportunity to learn life skills. The New Times / File.

Editor,I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times yesterday titled "Embrace vocational skills, girls told”.  In the story, Eng. Diogene Mulindahabi the Principal of Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) in Kigali called on female students to embrace vocational and technical studies.The idea to take on vocational studies must be embraced by all Rwandans since it empowers people with hands-on skills.Therefore, it is high time people’s attitudes towards Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) programmes changed.In the past, some parents never thought that TVET courses were ideal yet evidence on the ground shows it is relevant when it comes to the labour market since they enable trainees to create their own jobs and be competitive in life.Globally, there is a serious issue of unemployment and we need to be creative, innovative in order to survive in this competitive world.Mathis NtagungiraNyamata