The power of feedback in a business entity

Have you ever greeted someone and they did not respond or you enter a shop, try to look around for what you need but no one is caring about your presence.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Have you ever greeted someone and they did not respond or you enter a shop, try to look around for what you need but no one is caring about your presence.What about when you tell this shopkeeper about how not good their products are and the response is; "If you don’t want to buy you are free to leave.” What about when you make a phone to inquire about someone’s products instead they tell you that; "We shall get back to you in shortly,” and then you wait till a month. Think of when you are into your business and no one minds to give you a feedback; no one cares about your business. Well, these are simple things but they are the salient killers of your business There is one way to change this, use the power of feedback to bring a magical touch in your business. When a customer complains about your product or service, it means that they are actually trying to make it stronger and liked by many, in some way they become your marketing agents.They are your other brains thinking of what you had forgotten to make your business strong. When a customer walks into your business and starts looking around it should be a signal that perhaps your items are poorly arranged because customers don’t seem comfortable with the currentarrangement. So don’t think they don’t know what they want or they are doing window shopping. Giving them a positive feedback will indeed help you understand your business better.Try as much as possible to give feedback on any inquiry, pick calls, reply emails and listen to complaints. You should always be able give immediate answers to questions raised even those you think are irrelevant to your business, engage your clients and try to put yourself in their shoes. Most importantly never ignore that negative feedback—don’t attempt to overlook clients, it helps you understand the weaknesses in your business and moreover provides solutions in some instances.Most thriving businesses in the world have worked on the power of feedback and have grown from small to big corporations because their products or services are just consumed on the basis of referrals with clients getting advice from friends or those people they think are experts in that service or product. A feedback done in time will always change the perception of many clients towards your business, it helps give people time change their behavioral traits, feel they are respected, strong and part of yourbusiness, a factor that drives your profits higher- that’s the power of feedback.