Cleaning the medical profession

Last week, Police arrested a Gicumbi based medical doctor and a senior nurse in Kigali in connection with the case of a woman who was left with surgical tools in her body after an operation.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Last week, Police arrested a Gicumbi based medical doctor and a senior nurse in Kigali in connection with the case of a woman who was left with surgical tools in her body after an operation. According to police, investigations unearthed other similar cases in which the doctor is implicated.The case comes on the backdrop of reports indicating that an ongoing vetting exercise by the National Council of Nurses and Midwives has so far discovered that 30 nurses used forged academic transcripts to get their medical jobs.These cases are part of the challenges the health sector has to deal with.Given the importance of health issues, it is crucial that the inquiry goes beyond punishing those guilty to putting in place mechanisms to ensure that medical personnel do not only put the lives of patients at risk, but also live up to their Hippocratic Oath: "I will keep (the sick) from harm and injustice.”Thorough investigation should also be carried out to establish how quacks got into the health system with fake academic papers.An efficient and professional health care system is a prerequisite for development of any nation; and all Rwandans have the right to quality health care.