New children’s booklet on HIV/Aids launched

GASABO - A new booklet sensitizing children on relevant and accurate information about sexuality and dangers of HIV/Aids has been launched.

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Minister of Gender and Family Promotion Dr.Jeanne Du2019Arc Mujawamariya.

GASABO - A new booklet sensitizing children on relevant and accurate information about sexuality and dangers of HIV/Aids has been launched.

The booklet contains information on how young children both in primary and secondary schools can reinforce their knowledge and skills to maintain safe behaviours and avoid being infected by HIV/Aids. The launch was held yesterday at Hotel La Palisse Nyandungu.

The book entitled "Haranira Kuba Indatwa” also aims at sensitizing children on the risks of early pregnancy and educates them on how they can live positively with the disease.

It was published by the Community HIV/Aids Mobilization Program (CHAMP) Project with the assistance of the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion.

The head of the ministry, Dr.Jeanne D’Arc Mujawamariya, said that the booklet complements other oral messages that address the problems confronting young children especially the HIV/Aids.

"The booklet will help enhance the understanding of children about the reproductive health and provide key information about their bodies and tools to manage their lives,” Mujawamariya said.

Mujawamariya explained that the booklet would complement other different support to children currently provided by the government to ensure that children are not infected with HIV/Aids.

She urged parents to always devote more time and talk to their children about how they can protect themselves from contracting the deadly disease.

Anne Smith, the country Director of CHF-International said that with the booklet, more children would be saved by reading the useful information and discussing it with their parents.

"The booklet will provide practical tools to children enabling them to make responsible decisions about their future,” Smith said. Over 13,000 copies will be supplied to various schools in an effort to make a positive impact on the children.

CHF/CHAMP project’s main objectives include mobilising and strengthening the capacity of Rwandan organizations in providing community-based HIV/AIDS services through out the country.

It also focuses on capacity building, linkages, palliative care, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), behaviour change communication and monitoring and evaluation.
