Let’s trust our leaders on the abortion controversy

Editor, I read in The Sunday Times yesterday a story about a women rights group which petitioned the President over the issue of safe abortions. Abortion has generated hot debate in recent months.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Editor,I read in The Sunday Times yesterday a story about a women rights group which petitioned the President over the issue of safe abortions. Abortion has generated hot debate in recent months.The rights group argue that the condition of seeking safe abortion services through obtaining a court order and followed by approval from two doctors will make it hard to obtain medical abortions. They argue many women will fear to go through this process and end up carrying out unsafe abortions.Personally, I believe parliament looked at all sides and crated a law that will protect Rwandans. Let us trust our members of Parliament. After all, the draft law will only become law after the President has assented to it, and from experience, he has proved that whatever decisions he takes are always in the best interest of the people and nation.There is no problem having a law which permits abortion if for example the expectant mother has a genetic deficiency or there is need to preserve the mother’s health. I think we need to sensitise people about this.Eugene BahiziKigali