School of journalism relocated but…

Editor, First and foremost, allow me to thank members of the cabinet who last year endorsed the proposal that required the University of Rwanda to relocate the school of journalism from Huye to Kigali.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Editor,First and foremost, allow me to thank members of the cabinet who last year endorsed the proposal that required the University of Rwanda to relocate the school of journalism from Huye to Kigali.This sounded good news to many practicing journalists based in Kigali because they saw the move as an opportunity to allow them upgrade and become better journalists in the future.But since last year, nothing is clear and there is no information from concerned officials regarding when practicing journalists are supposed to enroll.We were told that the school will be relocated to KIST in Kigali but when you go to KIST, they tell you to visit National University of Rwanda head campus in Huye. It appears to me that those in charge don’t know what is happening and have no idea on the way forward.Fred MutaraKigali