Adjust to healthy lifestyle

For many years, it was assumed that diseases arising out of people’s lifestyles were foreign to most people in Africa. Diabetes and High Blood pressure are some of the ailments that are fast becoming a common occurrence in the East African region.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

For many years, it was assumed that diseases arising out of people’s lifestyles were foreign to most people in Africa. Diabetes and High Blood pressure are some of the ailments that are fast becoming a common occurrence in the East African region.According to a report released on Wednesday by the World Health Organisation (WHO), lifestyle diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are fast increasing in the East African region.This is a trend that has become common to other developing countries according to WHO.  Smoking, high alcohol intake and lack of physical activity are the main risk factors leading to these diseases.Diabetes and high Blood pressure are chronic ailments that are expensive to treat and manage. Therefore, for resource scarce settings like Rwanda, prevention is the most viable counter measure against these lifestyle diseases.The country has made great headway in improving access to healthcare for its citizens.  Universal health insurance in the country has made it possible for citizens to have medical care, they would otherwise not afford.However, it is important to bear in mind that managing these lifestyle ailments is no easy task. Therefore, sensitisation in paramount if these ailments are to be avoided.  Stakeholders in the health sector have an obligation to impress it upon people to live healthy lifestyles that can help them avoid such ailments.