The Hater:I hate people who…

…think it is cool to exhibit their bush antics on TV. I swear I could not believe my eyes when I saw Kenyan musician Prezzo spitting in the Big Brother Africa house. I do not usually watch this nonsense but I was given another reason to stay away.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

…think it is cool to exhibit their bush antics on TV. I swear I could not believe my eyes when I saw Kenyan musician Prezzo spitting in the Big Brother Africa house. I do not usually watch this nonsense but I was given another reason to stay away. Instead of being exemplary some of these so called celebrities are simply adults with emptiness between their ears. If at over thirty someone does not know that spitting is disgusting then indeed some people are just living mistakes. I hope this joker is evicted soon and his music is boycotted until he finds some maturity. …complain about things they do not understand. Let us agree that if you are ignorant about something there are only two ways you can remain relevant. You either ask about it or hold your silence. I hate it when someone opens their mouth only to spew a lot of ignorant stuff instead of having the courtesy to ask?The sad thing is that these ignorant fellows never know whether they are ignorant or not. I am left with no option but to hate anyone who is ignorant of their ignorance. I would have added that you know your selves but remembered that ignorance is your default setting.        …ask stupid questions instead of simply doing some research. With all the cheap technology around us and its clear benefits, some people have decided to only use to broadcast their stupidity.  I am talking about people while using the internet will waste your time by asking questions like, "Who is Donna Summer?” Ever heard of Google? It was set up for you. Please use it and stop proving to the rest of the world that you are living in a cave. You no longer need to go to a library to check through a huge encyclopaedia. It is bad enough that you are ignorant; do not make it worse by making this public knowledge especially when you are using the internet already.  …try to tell you how to drive especially those in the passenger seat. How I wish I could be allowed to park a car in the middle of the road and slap another fool on our roads. Don’t you just hate these jokers who pop their empty heads out of the car to shout at you telling you how you should drive your car? Sometimes these part time thinkers think they are traffic officers or even driving instructors. What happened to just minding your business? If you have a problem with how I am driving, just hoot. Do not bother trying to talk to me when we are not even friends on Facebook. …move around with bad body odour. Sometimes you meet people and feel like hitting them with a bar of soap just to make the point that they should take a shower every now and then. I am talking but these people you meet and you start thinking that you are standing next to a sewage facility. Is it so hard to take a shower and wash your clothes in 2012? Don’t these people realise that they are they a crime against humanity if you consider the discomfort they cause to the rest of us. Can someone do me the favour of telling such people to try and improve on their hygiene for I can’t think of a non violent way of talking to them? Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293