IGP Gasana on Uganda trip

The Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana on Thursday received a report from the Uganda Police detailing the status of implementation of the EAPPCO resolutions reached at in Kigali last year.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana on Thursday received a report from the Uganda Police detailing the status of implementation of the EAPPCO resolutions reached at in Kigali last year. Gasana is currently on a three-day working visit in Uganda to also inspect security and safety arrangements along the northern corridor of Kampala-Gatuna and Cyanika. The visit is also part of his mandate as the current chairperson of the Eastern African Police body (EAPCO),At a meeting with his Ugandan counterpart on Thursday, Lt. Gen. Kale Kayihura, Gasana decried the emerging threats of cyber security, terrorism, and human trafficking."To curtail all these threats we have to cooperate not only at bilateral arrangement but also at regional and international level,” Gasana told a multitude of senior police officers.He commended the progress Uganda has registered in the implementation of the EAPPCO resolutions.He said that Seychelles had passed the mantle to Uganda to host the 14th annual general meeting of EAPPCO due in September this year.