Algerian singer Warda dies in Cairo at 72

THE Algerian singer Warda, whose sultry voice and range helped make her one of the giants of Arab song, has died aged 72.

Friday, May 18, 2012

THE Algerian singer Warda, whose sultry voice and range helped make her one of the giants of Arab song, has died aged 72.Egyptian state TV said Warda died on Thursday at her home in Cairo. The official MENA news agency said that her body was due to be flown to Algeria yesterday for burial.Along with Lebanon’s Fayrouz and Egypt’s late Oum Kalthoum, Warda was one of the legendary singers of the Arab world, with a voice that has been described as both sweet and powerful.Warda lived in Egypt on and off for more than 40 years, and it was in Egypt that she earned both her cinematic and singing breakthroughs that won her fame across the Middle East.She had at least five lead roles in Egyptian films, and about 300 songs to her name. Warda Aldjazairia, or the Algerian Rose, was born in France in 1939 to an Algerian father and Lebanese mother.She began singing as a little girl, gaining a following among Arab children in France through her songs broadcast on local radio.Warda travelled to Algeria for the first time in 1962 after the country gained independence from it French colonial rulers.She married an Algerian and quit singing for 10 years.After moving to Cairo, at the time the heart of the Arab cultural and artistic scene, she had her big break in the late 1970s with the hit My Times Are Sweeter With You.She frequently worked with Egypt’s, and the broader Arab world’s, best-known composers, and eventually married one - Baligh Hamdy.They formed a formidable team, even after their divorce, making some of the most memorable Arab love songs, including Stay Here, Stay and Listen To Me.