Body launches service delivery campaign

The Rwanda Natural Resource Authority (RNRA) on Tuesday launched a campaign to build employees’ capacity to improve service delivery.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Rwanda Natural Resource Authority (RNRA) on Tuesday launched a campaign to build employees’ capacity to improve service delivery. As part of the campaign, all district land officers yesterday completed a two-day training seminar in Musanze district."We realised that we have been offering services differently but with this training, we have come up with uniform strategies that will harmonise our operations,” said Potel Jossem, Kayonza district land officer.Speaking to The New Times, the head of Land Technical Operations division at RNRA, Thierry Hoza Ngoga, said: "We are using the land administration manual to give our team the right procedure of providing services required in specific transaction like buying and selling or owning land,” he said.In a related development, Ngoga said that the land demarcation exercise is progressively moving on and that he was optimistic his institution will complete the exercise in the set time frame."We have so far demarcated 10,513,000 parcels and more than 2 million plots have been leased,” he said.According to plans, the land demarcation exercise is meant to be finalised in June this year while leasing is expected to be complete by December 2013.