How fair are marriage vows?

On Saturday I had to go through a painful time watching a priest at a wedding doing what he does best, uniting the couple in Holy matrimony.

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

On Saturday I had to go through a painful time watching a priest at a wedding doing what he does best, uniting the couple in Holy matrimony. What makes it painful are the random thoughts that just kept popping up in my head as the couple started to exchange vows. I couldn’t help but notice that some vows are basically unrealistic and it made me wonder who in this world sat down and came up with these lies. Marriage vows seriously need to be revised. Some vows are simply unfair and just bring some sort of inequality among us.The most disturbing vow of all time is the one where everything that belongs to one person now belongs to both- oh yes, because they have become one.When you were at school toiling, waking up at ridiculous hours to read, at work you tough grind all in the name of a good living. And know you have to share everything with this random person, who at times comes in with nothing at all.  I clearly understand that marriage is much more than material objects. If this truly was the case, then I think everyone needs to keep what belongs to them- my stuff, your stuff. PERIOD!Some people just get off easy, their good looks work for them. They sit back and wait for this rich man or woman to come and sweep them off their feet and suddenly they share the property. What used to be yours is now ours. They do not have a slight idea of what it means to work hard but they want to share everything. And then people still wonder why people kill each other in marriages after one discovers that the other was hiding property from them. If this vow was not there, then there wouldn’t be any reason to hide anything from anyone-it would be yours and no one else’s There is another disturbing vow that has to do with "sickness and health” this vow seems quiet fair but in this day and generation, who lives by it? I have heard of  so many people walking out of marriages or simply taking up "infidelity” as there middle name because their partners have either picked up some incurable disease or because they have broken a part of their body and they cannot perform some of their marital obligations.People seem to go to church to exchange these vows just for the prestige and they do not even think about what they are doing. Perhaps consider having your own vows, edit them and come to an agreement of what they should or should not include before you blindly go in and realise you got a row deal.