Lesson from Pierre C. Rwigema’s repatriation

Editor, Reference is made to your article in yesterday’s issue under the title “Ex-PM Rwigema in race for EALA seat.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to your article in yesterday’s issue under the title "Ex-PM Rwigema in race for EALA seat.This is a wake up call for other Rwandans living in exile; it’s yet another affirmation that this is indeed a new Rwanda, where every citizen has equal opportunity to serve their country and use their potential to thrive.Considering what has happened before with regard to reintegrating returning Rwandans in society, the decision by the ruling RPF party to include Mr Rwigema on the list of its candidates for the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) is not a surprise. It should, however, be recalled that this is a man who at one time was speaking ill of this government when he was still in exile in the US before returning home last year.The latest development speaks volumes especially if one looks back at our history – gone are the days when our governments exercised exclusion and patronage as a policy. Rwandans in self-imposed exile should return home and contribute to the country’s development.In the meantime, I wish Mr Rwigema success in today elections.Sabin