A life in the day of ....: An orphan

I always make sure that I am awake by 6 a.m. in the morning. I first pray and after wash my face and immediately start preparing breakfast for me and my elder sister.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I always make sure that I am awake by 6 a.m. in the morning. I first pray and after wash my face and immediately start preparing breakfast for me and my elder sister.

We rarely take porridge, apart from when we get some money from well wishers or when my sister gets it. When we finish breakfast, I start mopping the whole house and sweep the compound.

At around 8 a.m, my sister goes to the market to get us some food to make the day smile. There I remain playing with my neighbors waiting for her to come back. I must cook when she is engaged in other activities.

Close to 10 a.m., I start preparing our lunch. She taught me all methods of cooking. I now have enough experience in pealing bananas, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes. I like the fact that my sister teaches me how to cook, because it will help me when I get my own family.

My sister always advises me to read books while cooking, but I find it not friendly to me. I just ‘pretend’ as if I am revising and when she goes away, I rush and keep back my books, and remain spying on her, such that she doesn’t find me redundant, when she comes back.

I normally like revising my books especially in the evening after resting, but I will put in more efforts and see if I will make it.

At 1p.m, that is when our lunch is ready and we start eating. There after, I go to rest for one hour so that at 3:30 p.m I go to church for practice in the Sunday school choir at our nearby church in Kacyiru.

I joined Sunday school choir two years a go, and I wish to continue being in this field for the rest of my life. We learn many good things like how to be patient when you are   sick, and helping each other.

From here, our care takers called CHAHBA (Children affected by HIV Aids) in this camp have groomed us with a culture of helping each other.

Like to day, we have been in a joint work where we are constructing a kitchen for our neighbor who was in need of it. This is the initiative they have opted to undertake, every last Saturday of the month, to engage in community work.

From church, I make sure that I start preparing supper by 5pm and my sister helps me when she is not so busy doing other things. We get our supper at around 8:30 PM and from there we take a prayer moment and wind up for bed.
