Howto: Enhance effective communication

There are plenty of invaluable that have been grossly taken for granted. Communication in basic terms can be defined as a process of sharing and exchanging of informatory signals between individuals.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

There are plenty of invaluable that have been grossly taken for granted. Communication in basic terms can be defined as a process of sharing and exchanging of informatory signals between individuals.

Failure to communicate effectively in families, business corporations, and other managerial environments has had far reaching negative impacts to the functioning of such ventures.

The best approach for achieving effective communication ,so as to overcome dangers that come with perception of wrong messages and distortions of meanings, is first of all acknowledging and observing the basic forms of communication ,thus verbal and non verbal communication signals plus the involved elements in a given communication pattern.

A communication pattern involves the source or encorder, the message or signal and the destination or decorder. Communication being a crucial aspect, which is inseparable from human existence in a meaningful sense and individuals in all walks of life are urged to observe the principles of effective communication, for it to be successful and meaningful.

Verbal communication is the sharing of information using words, either spoken or written. While non verbal communication is the sharing of information without using words, it is the empowerment of the silent signals in the communication process like facial expressions,vocaltones, Para language,gestures,dressing code,gender,body movements like head nods, employed in a communication pattern. Hence, having conveyal effect.

Interesting to note , is that the most subtle and critical part of the message, is normally conveyed through non verbal signals, because they reveal the inhibited emotions and other internal disposions.Therefore people are advised to give considerable attention to those signals in order to get the gist of the message.

Here are some of the basic guidelines to adhere, in order to achieve successful communication; seek to clarify your ideas before communicating, systematically analyze the problem or the idea to be communicated, the clearer it becomes.

It is also advisable to examine the true purpose of each communication, before you communicate, ask yourself what exactly you want to accomplish with your message.

A communicator, also ought to consider the total physical and human setting whenever he or she communicates, many factor influence the overall impact of communication.

So, the setting circumstance and timing should be accounted for before communicating. The communicator also ought to be mindful of the overtones, as opposed to only focusing on the basic content of the message.

Before executing the communication, it is advisable to consult with others; this builds your confidence in your message and facts. It also provides additional insight and objectivity to your message.

Consider the receivers interest and needs, convey something that is of helpful to the receiver because it motivates him or her, stimulates positivity and responsiveness.

Follow up your communication through asking questions and encouraging reactions. Build consistency in your message for today and tomorrow, this builds trust between the source, message and destination.

It is also advisable for the person engaged in communication to have his or her actions supporting the communication, that’s to say, actions should not contradict the message.

The verbal and non verbal communications should say the same thing. Seek not only to be understood, but also to understand the response from the destination, be a good listener.    
