Speeding up your digestion

You can do a few things to speed up your digestion. Digestion has to be sped up in order for you not to gain too much weight. Some people have digestion problems. This could be due to their current condition.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You can do a few things to speed up your digestion. Digestion has to be sped up in order for you not to gain too much weight. Some people have digestion problems. This could be due to their current condition.

In order to do this, firstly, eat during the day time so that you can walk around and food has a chance to be digested. Don’t eat during the night time because you’ll go to bed and you can’t digest it because you’re not moving. Eat before six pm if possible. Secondly, eat small meals instead of large ones. These can comprise of snacks and more suitably, do this throughout the day.Thirdly, eat fluids more like soup instead of solids. If you do eat solids make sure that they are cut up or chopped or ground finely so that when it gets into the stomach it has the chance to digest better.Lastly, try to walk around after you eat. Don’t sit or go to sleep right away so that your stomach has a chance to digest well. Drink green tea or hot tea or hot water because it helps to push down the foods and dilute it for digestion. Green tea has been known to speed things up but it’s very safe because it’s a natural tea. You can also workout daily to give your digestive system a boost and there’s nothing more potent than exercising when it comes to weight control and good health.