Relationships: Wind blowing towards muscular men?

As the fashions, market demands and technology world over, under go tremendous changes and takes new dimentions, the social realm equally takes new trends as pertains selection and ear marking of potential and desired boyfriends or girl friends.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

As the fashions, market demands and technology world over, under go tremendous changes and takes new dimentions, the social realm equally takes new trends as pertains selection and ear marking of potential and desired boyfriends or girl friends.

Come evenings, a sober eye wont fail to notice more than at least six couples, made of visibly skinny girls moving blatantly handy with gigantic and muscular un smiling dudes in their bosoms, the type that would freak you into claiming you are an ax seller, yet you had come with an intention of whacking the person creeping with your wife.

To an anorexia therapist, such an arrangement would be an injustice to his patient, resultant into a law suit at the least. And to a lay person as regards the enigma behind people’s choices, it would be a terrible mismatch.

In the few years of my existence, that’s if 25 is few any way’, in this puzzle-like world, I have found women to be immensely intriguing in a multiciplicity of ways, but cardinally it is in their resilience, risk taking potential and fearlessness.

The same women that many have referred to as the ‘weak sex’,have overtly manifested their capacity to lure and control men across all realms, be it army men, mean looking  wrestlers, money minded business men and others, there by concurring with the saying that goes that ‘even the greatest among us bows under the heavy weight of love’.

Girls in the dating and loving fraternity, have beyond reasonable doubt proved to prefer moving out with muscular guys. An investigative person may wonder the wonder secret behind this preference.

Uwimana Jennifer, a resident of kicukiro ,who proved to be a serial dater of muscular men, after reporting to have had four of them in her life, revealed her secret behind dating muscular men.

Jennifer revealed that, muscular men are kind and gentle people, who are playful, jolly and generally fun to share a life with. She further added that’ muscular men are ideal because they are an icon of assurance and security as opposed to small men’’.

Another girl who declined to be named says she was made to understand that muscular men are preferred  because, their bodies are warm hence generating constant heat to their spouses, which has proved to be an asset mostly in cold nights.

Since women are generally known to appreciate and cling onto people in position to pamper and treat them like babies, luck falls on the side of muscular men since they can visibly convince an on looker, that they have capacity of lifting and swinging ladies in their strong arms.

However, my humble reminder is that such a perception can be misleading, because there are some small men, who have beyond any doubt proved physically romantic.

Another alleged reason for the steadily growing social market for mugged up guys, is their ability to look good on any out fit they put on, be it a casual t-shirt and jeans or a suit.

Girls fancy their protruding biceps that somehow reveal the traces of a gorgeous body beneath the outfits.    
