Four specific rooms every house should have

Study room This room is the homework and reference area, mostly for the kids. There should be good lighting, good chairs, plenty of office supplies, paper, a dictionary, a thesaurus, and probably a computer in this area. Studying isn’t that fun for most kids but a fun study room would make them love it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Study roomThis room is the homework and reference area, mostly for the kids. There should be good lighting, good chairs, plenty of office supplies, paper, a dictionary, a thesaurus, and probably a computer in this area. Studying isn’t that fun for most kids but a fun study room would make them love it.Creation roomIt is easier for someone with a talent to develop it at home. If one can draw, would be the best room to spend much of their time drawing or painting. Family would also take some time during the weekend to do something creative together like craft-making.Administration Station Also known as the home office, this station is where the bills get paid, forms get filled out, medical claims are filed and phone calls are made. This station is where all of your basic office systems are centralised.Entertainment roomWell, a family always needs some fun time. A room with a television, games for kids like Play Station, with comfortable chairs will go a long way. With a good sound system and large flat screen television, cinema fees will be reduced.