Don’t commit these fashion faux pas’s

You could be one of those women who do not adhere to fashion laws. You wear what you want and when you want irrespective of the consequences or current trend. You say you are not a slave to fashion. However, there are certain dos and don’ts that are mandatory and MUST be followed so here goes…

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You could be one of those women who do not adhere to fashion laws. You wear what you want and when you want irrespective of the consequences or current trend. You say you are not a slave to fashion. However, there are certain dos and don’ts that are mandatory and MUST be followed so here goes…

•    Don’t pull up your stockings in public.•    Do soften the hard lines of a suit with a lace top underneath.•    Don’t wear sweaters so long, that they make you look short.•    Do not borrow your husband’s clothes.•    Don’t wear acid-washed jeans.•    Do wear a hip slip or a minimizer under tight clothes.•    Do have a stash of basics on hand: T-shirts, leggings, black socks and tights.•    You should be very careful with patterned leggings as they can make legs appear heavier. •    Monochromatic outfits are one of the best slimming secrets.•    Don’t over accessorise.•    Do not force yourself to wear something for somebody else.•    Do not dress like a teenager.•    Do not wear really casual shorts or beach sandals to work on dress-down Fridays.