Why women get hair problems during and after pregnancy?

A friend of mine experienced hair breakage during pregnancy and then started losing it when she had given birth to her first born. She got extremely scared and the only way she got back her happiness was after she visited her physician, who told her not to worry because this was a normal thing happening to most women during and after pregnancy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A friend of mine experienced hair breakage during pregnancy and then started losing it when she had given birth to her first born. She got extremely scared and the only way she got back her happiness was after she visited her physician, who told her not to worry because this was a normal thing happening to most women during and after pregnancy.Most women notice a change in their hair during pregnancy. Some lucky ones get thicker, shiner hair. But they are a small minority. Most women experience hair dryness, others get hair breakage and others get hair loss.This is because during pregnancy women experience many changes in their bodies caused by hormones. Hormones associated with pregnancy make some women fat, some want to eat all the time and in big quantities, other women get morning sickness and nausea.If you experiences hair dryness, the doctors advice is to use a good conditioner so it gains some strength during pregnancy. For hair breakage, they say nothing much can be done but one can use good styling products to remedy this situation during pregnancy.For hair loss doctor’s advise not to freak out when this happens. Instead sit and think of what needs to be done to live with the situation until body hormones get back to normal. Though perming hair and colouring it does not have evident side effects on the fetus, doctors say that one should avoid it. Braiding is what is advised for pregnant and breast feeding women.If you have been experiencing such problems during and after pregnancy, you need not to worry because with time, you will surely get back your hair.