Not every man is trying to hit on you

Sometimes when one sees a cute lady alone, it is almost impossible to not say at least a word or two to her. However, the worst part of it all comes when some ladies think whoever comes to talk to them has come to hit on them and vibe them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Relax: Not every man is trying to hit on you. Net photo.

Sometimes when one sees a cute lady alone, it is almost impossible to not say at least a word or two to her. However, the worst part of it all comes when some ladies think whoever comes to talk to them has come to hit on them and vibe them.

Haven’t you ever heard of friendly people? Well, some men are actually friendly and all they want is a friendly chat and that’s it. If you’ve been meeting jerks before then sorry, but not all men are the same.The worst of this occurred last weekend when I was walking in town and some cute lady dropped her identity card on the way. Being a good citizen some man picked it up for her and ran to her, tapped her on the back and said "excuse me.” The lady turns and before she even hears him out she starts blowing up and asking "do I know you?” in a very rude way. Do you think every man was raised like a jerk? Well this also applies to some ladies that sit in a bar alone and don’t expect anyone to come and talk to them. And the worst part of it all is that THEY are staring at people. Sometimes they are the cause of the men hitting on them. They keep staring at them and when they come to her, she throws this very rude attitude at them.I, for one, I think if you can chase away someone who has come to talk to you when you’re sitting alone, you are acting uncivilized. In the twenty first century, real ladies know how to deal with jerks and gentlemen; but before you know what the man is saying, you have to first talk to him.