Leadership programme comes to Kigali

The Strathmore Business School (SBS) is in Kigali to launch a prestigious programme specifically designed for top executives in both the private and public sectors.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Dr. Njenga is the Founding Dean of SBS.

The Strathmore Business School (SBS) is in Kigali to launch a prestigious programme specifically designed for top executives in both the private and public sectors.SBS is an international university and leading business school based in Nairobi, where it offers a wide variety of executive education programmes for chairmen, board members, CEOs, heads of departments and middle level managers.The three-day programme to be launched tomorrow at Serena Hotel is popularly known as "The Effective Director” (TED) and has already been held in Nairobi and Kampala."SBS will launch the TED programme at precisely 7am at Serena Hotel. We already have confirmation of about 30 top Rwandan leaders and expect more than 40 to attend the breakfast briefing. At the event, the leaders will interact with SBS, out of which they will understand the value of a transformational board director to the shareholder,” Lucy N. Kairu, Programme Manager, Executive Education, SBS, said in an exclusive interview with The New Times.Those interested in the programme can register between May 17 and June 22. It commences on June 16."In the recent past, we have witnessed a myriad of boardroom malpractices globally; as the East African Community is welcoming global trading partners, we need to lead the way in ethical leadership, as Dr George Njenga is fond of saying,” she added.Dr Njenga is the Founding Dean of SBS, and will be on hand to interact with the participants tomorrow.Currently SBS has a bouquet of about 20 programmes and boasts of alumni of about 5,000 past participants.