Don’t worry, everyone makes mistakes

As a kid, you are expected to be very playful. Sometimes things may not go well while you play. You may break something, or hit your brother, sister, friend and cousin with something that hurts them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
When you do something wrong, say sorry and do not reapeat it. Net photo.

As a kid, you are expected to be very playful. Sometimes things may not go well while you play. You may break something, or hit your brother, sister, friend and cousin with something that hurts them. Well, you know you did not intend to do it and it is a mistake. What do you do after that? You sometimes feel like hiding or running away or feel scared that your parents or teachers will punish you.Always say sorry when you hurt someone because everyone makes mistakes. Adults and children always make mistakes because they are people and not perfect. What is important is that you say sorry and learn from the wrong you have done and do the right thing next time. Sometimes parents may spank you but they do not do so because they do not like you. They do it out of love so that you learn from it. The best thing you can do when you discover that you have done something wrong is to run to the teacher if you are at school or, to your parents and ask for forgiveness. When you do this, they will know that you are truly sorry and will not expect you to repeat the same thing. Remember ‘sorry’ is a golden word.