Just smile!

During a Facebook chat someone complimented my smiling skills saying; “apparently I notice you like to smile a lot” and little did they know that they had immediately enlightened me on something I needed to share with you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Natasha N. Muhoza

During a Facebook chat someone complimented my smiling skills saying; "apparently I notice you like to smile a lot” and little did they know that they had immediately enlightened me on something I needed to share with you. I usually wonder whether we all notice the value of a smile? If you take time to observe around you, I hope you realise like I do, that whenever someone smiles, a certain positive energy surges out. That is contagious—a powerful characteristic of all smiles.A smile has the power to make you actually FEEL beautiful, good, comfortable, welcome, loved, and so much more. And, who doesn’t know it’s what we can never get enough of?Smiles come in handy in literally every aspect of our lives—at home, on the road, at the office, while doing business, in class and at the hospital among several other places. If you are not welcomed, greeted or served with as much as a smile, you will think about all the negative things about that person, place or service within the next couple of minutes and in addition, tell everyone you meet of how you were unkindly treated. The little time and experience I have gained working in the business sector has confirmed it too; a smile simply makes a difference!Yet it is ironic how we go to extremes to protect our reasons to smile. We are always looking for what’s ‘not right’ or ‘who’s wrong’ I’m not saying that’s particularly a bad thing to do, I’m only saying, no matter what the situation is, we must refrain from denying ourselves one of the greatest pleasures of the heart—joy! As we live through our daily routines and conquer personal mountains, I wish you a week full of smiles. I’m challenging you to create a smile on someone else’s face and this is, regardless of who they are and whether or not you think they deserve it.