Girls, set the right standards

I believe that girls are extremely gifted in so many areas of life; from their natural love to their amazing professional abilities across the world. I also believe that we are considered strong and brave because of what we endure in life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Self-respect speaks volumes. Net photo.

I believe that girls are extremely gifted in so many areas of life; from their natural love to their amazing professional abilities across the world. I also believe that we are considered strong and brave because of what we endure in life. We endure biological changes and yet still remain vigilant when it comes to dealing with what is going on around us.   Strong women are not born that way at birth, but they adapt and evolve into winners after a lot of effort and hard work.However, many girls today behave in very strange ways. They are desperate, give in easily, forget what they are worth and misbehave in so many ugly ways. They completely forget their values and identity as women-to-be. They really belittle themselves. Let me tell you something, we are the ones responsible for whatever negativity some guys think of us. Our actions and behaviour pushes them into thinking the way they do; that we are cheap, easy, dumb and do not pay attention to ourselves and values. As a reminder, men respect women who respect themselves.Our mothers have always told us to watch out in whatever we do because that determines who we are. Even when a boy is cute, good to you and has all the money you need, ask yourself what is money worth to you? Will it buy you respect and love? I do not think so. You are worth uncountable zillions if you do not place money as a pedestal to your dignity and beliefs. When a man throws money in your face, how do you react? Like a sport-fishing girl or like one with a strong personality? If you act like a girl who is easily swayed by a few sums of money, you might get that money but will you be treated rightly and, with respect? If you settle with every guy running after you, what does it say about your integrity as a woman? The fact is that all sorts of males will always pursue females; however, the outcome depends on how you distinguish yourself from others. What I am trying to say here is that girls are full of potential. We have the brains to make wise decisions, character and personality to depict integrity and actions to determine our strength. With these traits, people will approach any girl with respect in such a way that they will think twice before they let anything slip out of their mouths. Set standards, respect them and make them known. This way, you will be recognised for the precious jewel that you are.