Simple ways to feel beautiful

Teenagers hold false belies about their looks; some think they are ugly and others, beautiful. However, the truth is that everyone is beautiful and perfect in his or her own way.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Beauty is an attitude. Net photo.

Teenagers hold false belies about their looks; some think they are ugly and others, beautiful. However, the truth is that everyone is beautiful and perfect in his or her own way.Look in the mirror and look at others, you do not look like them and, they do not look like you. You are unique. Say to yourself aloud, "unique is beautiful” because everyone is beautiful in his or her own way, and do not let anyone tell you differently.Let go of all ideas that promise "beauty” and instead aim for health. Trim your hair if it will make it healthy; lose weight if it will make you healthy. Exercise, it will make you feel better about yourself as well as give you more energy and lastly, smile for it will make you feel and look happier!Do what you are good at doing. Start your day by exclaiming to yourself in the mirror each day when you get up about how awesome and beautiful you are. That may seem selfish, but will help you feel awesome about yourself.Treat yourself to something special occasionally. For example, buy yourself anything that you can afford which makes you fell beautiful, go for a walk, watch a movie with friends or read a new book. Do something extra that does not exactly revolve around your look.Accept others for who they are. Be nice to others because anyone with the greatest looks yet has a nasty attitude, does not come close to beauty.Make everything around you beautiful, whether this means decorating your room with nice lights or positive pictures from magazines. Sometimes having beautiful surroundings will make you feel great about yourself.Your life is what you make of it. If you make yourself out to be beautiful, then you will live that way. So live your life to the fullest and enjoy your unique self. When you look in the mirror, smile and stand up straighter, remind yourself daily that you are so important. Lastly, surround yourself with people who make you feel good and remember that uniqueness is beautiful.