Sonarwa to open public library in Kigali

Rwanda’s leading insurance company, Sonarwa, plans to open a public library that will have insurance related information, in Kigali.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rwanda’s leading insurance company, Sonarwa, plans to open a public library that will have insurance related information, in Kigali. The Managing Director, Macdonald James Obi, announced this on Saturday while closing a four-week training programme about the insurance industry for more than 64 people.Participants were drawn from Kenya Commercial Bank, Bank of Kigali, Ecobank, Rwanda Revenue Authority, and Bralirwa among others.The training, conducted by Sonarwa, is said to be the first of its kind conducted in the insurance industry in Rwanda. Obi said the training was, in part, designed to help build the capacity of participants to improve the quality of service in the insurance industry.Some of the topics covered include, property insurance, pre-loss surveys and inspections, motor insurance, as well as pre-loss and post-loss assessments. Rwanda’s insurance penetration rate is 2.3 per cent, and the government seeks to raise this to at least 10 per cent by 2020.