The Minimum Wage debate

Editor, I share the same view that a minimum wage is important for Rwanda as it does not only give one “Agaciro” (self-worth) but it’s also a sign of a progressive society. No single country in the west welcomed the minimum wage with open arms.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Editor,I share the same view that a minimum wage is important for Rwanda as it does not only give one "Agaciro” (self-worth) but it’s also a sign of a progressive society. No single country in the west welcomed the minimum wage with open arms. They shared the same worries as everybody, but it seems even after more than two decades of its inception, the UK Labour Party still uses the minimum wage at every opportunity to win over voters. Taxes, like employee liability insurance, health insurance or pension contributions employers have to make for their employees have not resulted in any jobs’ exodus.It seems if the minimum wage were to be introduced; it wouldn’t be policed as such the same way some of the above are not implemented by most employers for one reason or another.JamaalUK Editor,Minimum wage is applicable in economies with substantial GDP per capita. If at all minimum wage calculations were to be done, trust me then it would be less than one dollar (Below poverty line making the wage null)! Of course, as Rwanda’s economy continues to grow, no doubt come 20 years, we can think of that topic.JioKigali