Why criticize Russia’s Putin?

Editor, Reference is made to the article in The New Times of May 11, titled “The ugly face of politics

Monday, May 14, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to the article in The New Times of May 11, titled "The ugly face of politics”. The writer was alluding to Russian elections, and criticized the manner in which President Vladimir Putin returned to power. He said what happened in Russia recently was not very different from many attempts involving incidents where husbands seek their wives to succeed them (like the case was in Argentine) or sons succeed their fathers like we have seen in Gabon or brothers lined up in the succession queue.Personally, I think that competence of a candidate should not be associated to their connections through blood or party affiliation. In Singapore Lee’s family is proving that a son can be a positive leader and bring about prosperity. In my view, the issue should not be whether the President is whose son, wife or trusted lieutenant but about whether or not they are capable of delivering the economical growth and peace that people need.It should really be about whether or not such people are up to the task and whether they work in the best interest of the people and their countries.NicoleKigali