Peaceful solution to DRC conflict long overdue

More than 50,000 Congolese refugees have fled to Rwanda over the last fifteen years, with the numbers soaring in the last few weeks, leaving humanitarian organisations over stretched.

Monday, May 14, 2012

More than 50,000 Congolese refugees have fled to Rwanda over the last fifteen years, with the numbers soaring in the last few weeks, leaving humanitarian organisations over stretched.The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been volatile for several years, affecting regional peace, security and stability.The challenges in the DRC are not strictly an internal matter and, therefore, regional leaders should seek a lasting solution as peace in the region benefits the entire region. Fighting between Congolese soldiers and rebel groups, like the Mayi Mayi, in addition to the havoc caused by the FDLR, renegade ex-members of the former CNDP and PARECO, and Uganda’s Lords Resistance Army, has deprived residents of DRC and the region of peace.The regional leaders must make resolving the violence a top priority.The numerous meetings between Ministers of Defence as well as Military and Security Chiefs are a step in the right direction.East Africans as well as other people affected by the armed violence must demand theirrespective governments for quick intervention. The solution is political, and it is essential that the regional countries join efforts to quickly come up with a lasting solution.Two years ago saw a major breakthrough in efforts to pacify one of the world’s most volatile parts of the Congo, when Rwanda and DRC armies carried out a joint operation, dubbed Umujo Wetu, against FDLR, which left the militia weakened and dispersed.Such kind of joint efforts contribute a lot to bringing peace to the region.