RGB committed to media dev’t – Shyaka

Following the recent transfer of the media docket from the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs to the Ministry of Local Government, Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) has been tasked to take full responsibility of media development issues.

Friday, May 11, 2012
The CEO of Rwanda Governance Board, Anastase Shyaka. The New Times / File.

Following the recent transfer of the media docket from the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs to the Ministry of Local Government, Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) has been tasked to take full responsibility of media development issues.The ministry will continue to handle policy matters. Speaking to The New Times, the CEO of RGB, Prof. Anastase Shyaka, welcomed the responsibility, saying his office was committed to empowering the media since the two areas (media and governance) have a close similarity. "We will put more attention in providing more professionalism to practitioners through training and encouraging specialisation. At the moment, we are charged with spearheading the media reforms, especially self-regulation,” he said.Shyaka added that the reason behind the interest in developing the media is that the sector is a key partner in governance issues.He said RGB will support media associations and advocate for better media freedom and welfare. Shyaka pointed out that RGB will soon come up with a detailed plan on how to empower the sector. "We want to see a vibrant team of specialised Rwandan journalists who observe high levels of integrity and professionalism,” said Prof Shyaka. He noted that journalists have the power to shape society and that the public was expecting the media to use their influence in a constructive manner.  Media associations have welcomed the development.The president of the Rwanda Press House and Editors Forum, Jean Bosco Rushingabigwi, said it was a demonstration of good will from the government."We were also promised that media associations will be supported to acquire legal status, it appears we now have a clear orientation,” said Rushingabigwi.