Mayor warns residents on drunkenness

EASTERN PROVINCE KARANGAZI — The Mayor of Nyagatare district, Robert Kashemeza has advised Karangazi residents to adjust their drinking habits if they are to overcome poverty. The remarks were contained in his Labour Day speech to residents on Thursday at Karangazi play ground.

Friday, May 02, 2008


KARANGAZI — The Mayor of Nyagatare district, Robert Kashemeza has advised Karangazi residents to adjust their drinking habits if they are to overcome poverty. The remarks were contained in his Labour Day speech to residents on Thursday at Karangazi play ground.

Addressing residents, the mayor noted that they chose to hold the function at Karangazi sector, purportedly to sensitize Karangazi residents, who seem to have fallen in love with the bottle, to dedicate more time to work.

"We decided to bring this ceremony here because most people in Karangazi and Musenyi trading centres are found of wasting their entire time in drinking alcohol, so we wanted to meet them here and warn them,” he said.

"How can someone start taking alcohol from morning up to evening?” I have seen them myself in these two centres,” Kashemeza said.

During the occasion, Kiyombe sector and Umutara Polytechnic were rewarded certificates of merit for their good performance. Other organisations that received rewards were Seeds of hope and Nyagatare mituel de santé.

According to Kashemeza the chosen four were the best performing institutions in the district. Kashemeza called for collective responsibility in promoting the development of the district.

He observed that some people were lazy and not interested in working for their future. He criticized some low income earners who employ others to till their gardens instead of working on them by themselves.

"How can someone with a family of over ten people with three hectares and about five local cows employ two workers to grow maize or beans?” he asked.

"Where will he/she get income to sustain his family and casual laborers he has employed?” I want you people to stand up and work if you want us to eradicate poverty from this district,” the Mayor added.

On work, Kashemeza said, residents need to work hard and get money to save for their children. He observed that lazy people were partly to blame for robbery and other criminal tendencies because they consume more than what they earn. On savings, the mayor noted that some people are still ignorant about saving their money in banks.

"There are some people who still keep their money under their mattress or dig holes and keep it there,” the mayor said, and advised such people to save with banks in order to be able to get loans for investment.

Nyagatare residents must join hands to maintain the lead in performance, Kashemeza advised.

"It will be embarrassing to get 2nd position for next term, I am sure people out there will laugh at us if we fail to keep our place,” he said.
