Fat wallets set the dating rules

DID you know that dating a girl of this generation is very difficult? Well, if you  didn’t , then as a  girl of this generation let me shed some light and tell all the men or boys who are anxiously waiting to engage themselves in relationships that over the time, things have changed and the stakes have been raised.

Friday, May 11, 2012

DID you know that dating a girl of this generation is very difficult? Well, if you  didn’t , then as a  girl of this generation let me shed some light and tell all the men or boys who are anxiously waiting to engage themselves in relationships that over the time, things have changed and the stakes have been raised. The naïve girls of those days have since then evolved and  so have  their demands and needs, thus leaving the competition for them between men  with money and those who can only afford to offer love, who in most cases don’t even stand a chance.Gone are the days of William Shakespeare’s imaginary true love of Romeo and Juliet because as it is these days, such love is something of the past. This is probably because of the tough world and therefore as some would say; tough times call for tough measures; hence the men who spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to convince girls of how much they love them should stop wasting their own time and also change according to the times; (that is if at all they still want to get involved in relationships).From my perspective, many or in fact most of the girls  or  women of our time love to live luxurious lives with no hustle or bustle of this hard life (given the current economic situations worldwide) that have pushed many to the wall thus bringing about Charles Darwin’s" survival for the fittest” theory into play. This, however, has affected women of all ages most especially the youth; whose tastes and preferences have hit hard on their pockets leaving them with very few or even no options at all.In my experience, during my high school days, many girls, both in my class and those ahead of me brag about having more than one man for a boyfriend; working class boyfriend and high school boyfriend. The "working class” guy would  be present on visitation days to provide for her needs money, new shoes and clothes and a phone whereas the one in high school was for helping with studies, discussions, school parties and company. This left me very astonished, to say the least, we, girls have drastically changed either for better or worse…that I don’t know.However, this is not only happening in high schools but also in higher institutions of learning like the universities where we, girls face this harsh world head on and survival is only for those who can withstand the pressures that this world throws at us. Therefore, such pressures have forced many girls in these institutions to engage inappropriate relationships with men probably twice or thrice their ages for as long as they can provide. This leaves the youthful guys in a tight spot trying to compete with the rich guys or "pensioners” as they are called; just to hold on to their relationships with their girlfriends who need to be happy and content at all costs.In a nut shell, men of this generation have a huge task ahead of them just in case they intend to engage in these relationships because the financial demands that come with the relationships are very high and girls cannot only be convinced by eternal love but also the size of the pocket that comes with it. Anyway, that’s from my perspective so if you have yours; bring it on!