Why are you so forgetful?

According to several medical surveys, some simple things can render you prone to memory loss. You could be at risk if:

Friday, May 11, 2012
Enough rest will make you less forgetfull. Net photo.

According to several medical surveys, some simple things can render you prone to memory loss. You could be at risk if:Your blood sugar is high. High levels of blood sugar can damage parts of your brain that deals with memory. If you have a hereditary risk of developing diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly and stay active to prevent it.You don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is necessary to help our brain cement new memories and depriving yourself of too much sleep several nights a week has been proved to cause poor memory.You snore. Snoring makes you susceptible to sleep apnoea, a condition whereby your airways get blocked during sleep and the subsequent cut in the oxygen supply starves the brain cells. Men, overweight people and those over 40 are more likely to suffer this. You have a thyroid problem. An overactive thyroid affects the speed at which a message is relayed through the brain cells. Women, who are more prone to this, should seek medical tests and help to get the right prescription for the condition that also leads to excessive fatigue, hypertension or anxiety.You are depressed. Depression causes loss of brain cells.You shuffle while walking. When your feet want to stick to the ground, it could be because of too much spinal fluid filling up and causing swollen pockets in the brain. Seek prompt treatment.You use your sleeping pills or anti- allergy medicines. Many medications prescribed for insomnia, allergies, incontinence and night cramps may interfere with crucial brain chemicals. You take too many medicines at the same time. If you are taking a cocktail of drugs to address a multitude of health problems, check with your doctor and pharmacists about how well these drugs react.