South Africa’s crime intelligence boss moved from position: minister

South Africa’s crime intelligence chief Lieutenant-General Richard Mdluli has been moved from his post pending the outcome of an investigation, it was announced here on Wednesday.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

South Africa’s crime intelligence chief Lieutenant-General Richard Mdluli has been moved from his post pending the outcome of an investigation, it was announced here on Wednesday.Mdluli would be shifted to a new position which would be determined by acting national commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa told the National Assembly during a debate on his budget vote.Mdluli had been charged with murder, mismanagement of funds, abuse of power and nepotism. But the charges were provisionally withdrawn earlier this year. He was then reinstated as the spy chief for South African police.The criminal charges against Mdluli related to his ex- girlfriend’s boyfriend Oupa Ramogibe’s 1999 murder. Due to claims that Mdluli was spared a trial due to political meddling, the SA police has launched a probe."Whilst this probe is underway... Lieutenant General Mdluli should be shifted from his current position with effect today, as the head of crime intelligence, and moved to another division,” Mthethwa told parliament.But the move drew strong reaction from political parties in the country. The decision to "shift” Mdluli to another position did not resolve problems within the SA Police Service, said AfriForum, a civic organization."Moving Mdluli is not the answer. The problem must be dealt with head-on and not moved around,” spokesman Nantes Kelder said.