THE MEN’s CORNER: What is good for the goose, is good for the gander

My boyfriend loves to use endearments such as honey, sugarplum while talking to other girls, which I’ve been ignoring thinking it’s no big deal.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My boyfriend loves to use endearments such as honey, sugarplum while talking to other girls, which I’ve been ignoring thinking it’s no big deal. However, he has a huge problem when I do the same with my guy friends. Why do guys think that it’s okay for them to do that while for us, it’s a huge crime?HildaDear Hilda,Let me get to the crux of the matter. Your boyfriend is being simply selfish. He wants to be able to say whatever he wants, and flirt with whomever he wishes without you doing the same.The fact that he doesn’t like you doing it proves that he knows it is wrong and something that can be misconstrued. I suggest that you talk to him about it and confront him about his behaviour and his hypocrisy. I’m pretty sure that he will desist from the doing so in the future.    If you have an issue with your men, email, and get your answer