When you’re a mother, act like one

Recently, most young mothers act in a weird manner; I don’t know whether before they get married they are told the role they are embracing.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Recently, most young mothers act in a weird manner; I don’t know whether before they get married they are told the role they are embracing. It was so disappointing, hearing a young mother in her mid-twenties considering stopping breastfeeding her 6-weeks -old baby.  Her reason of not breasting the baby was that she was scared her breasts would become floppy and lose shape. I felt like I would beat sense into her head. The weird part is that she was speaking amongst her peers and most of them where not yet mothers or married as yet. With such negative influence, the next generation of mother will not even cuddle their babies, God for bid.Our mothers breast feed us with a lot of love and not minding that the breasts with lose shape. At the end of the day the breast will become floppy anyway, it comes with age. So not feeding a baby doesn’t change a thing. I don’t know what her mother would have done if she heard her speak in such a senseless manner. Breast milk is the most nutritious meal in a baby’s life.  According to Natural Parenting website, Breast milk is the best first food for babies and offers a wide range of nutrients. The website stated that the World Health Organisation recommends that all full-term babies be breastfed exclusively for at least the first six months, and that breast-feeding continues to 24 months and beyond. Yet many mothers still choose to formula-feed their babies, thinking that it’s "just as good” as breast milk. Of course, sixty years ago, there wasn’t much choice - either the mother (or a wet nurse) breastfed the baby, or the baby starved and died. Infant formula was originally developed as a kind of medicine - a life-saving food to be given to infants whose mothers physiologically couldn’t produce milk (actually this is quite a rare condition), or for orphaned infants.It’s through breast feeding that mother and baby bond is created and strengthened. Breastfeeding besides providing a perfect nutrition for the baby, it also provides many health benefits the mother I think the 21st century young mothers should be sensitized on the responsibilities that come with motherhood. Motherhood is commitment and one has to treasure it at all cost.