Response to Diana Mpyisi’s article about weddings and a saving culture

Editor, Great message Diana.  I have to thank you, first, because whenever I find your article, I know I will gain something out of it. I agree with you on the observations you made; I’m also stuck with some unanswered questions.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Editor,Great message Diana.  I have to thank you, first, because whenever I find your article, I know I will gain something out of it. I agree with you on the observations you made; I’m also stuck with some unanswered questions.Perhaps we, as young people, need to rethink about our spending culture when it comes to weddings.  I simply think that it’s just about making the right decisions as a couple for your wedding. On the other hand, it is driven by our culture. Everyone wants to do it the way others have done it, is it a must? Can young couples be creative about weddings? Spend less; have good weddings, and save some money?I attended one wedding and noticed that it’s beginning to change. Some young people want to do what they saw in other colorful weddings; well it’s good, but think about how much you earn, how much you have and life after the big day..Chris USA  Editor,I totally agree with you. This is a serious matter that should be discussed on a national level as I believe it is destroying our sense of responsibility. People should understand that there’s nothing to be ashamed of in having a modest wedding, after all it’s just a ceremony. Beginning your married life with a wedding bank loan to repay isn’t good at all. JoelKigali Editor,Thanks Diana. I have been there and paid the price. What I found out was that I did not plan to fail but I failed to plan, and most of us go to do things without any plan or use the "proven plan” of our friends. We need to think about this subject more seriously. We don’t need to burden our friends, asking them to contribute a lot. Great article Diana.Lawrence Murenzi MikeKCB