Fruit farmers will benefit a lot

Editor, Recently, I went to Bugesera to visit relatives and was very pleased at how the district is buzzing with fruit farming.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Fruit sellers in a rural market. The New Times / File.

Editor,Recently, I went to Bugesera to visit relatives and was very pleased at how the district is buzzing with fruit farming. An uncle told me that he and his friends used to wake up and have nothing to do, but now, they all wake up with the prospect of growing fruit crops to make money.I think farmers need to plant fruit trees on large scale and to specialise in different kinds of fruits which will increase their income. It is commendable to learn that the government is taking practical steps to ensure that Rwanda does not only remain food secure, but also exports it. For instance, rice growing schemes on large fields in different provinces are evidently benefiting many people.I urge farmers, particularly fruit growers, to take up this opportunity; they should work with government in these schemes because it is them who benefit the most. Farmers are the backbone of our society and anything done to improve their lives comes in handy.Christopher BugingoKigali