A text a day, keeps a smile all the way

Brighten someone’s day with a sweet text message. It could be to your mom, dad, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend-anyone with a cell phone really! You aren’t limited to sending them within romantic relationships, so if you don’t have a better half right now, don’t worry. You don’t have to miss out on all the fun.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Texting friends and loved ones is a good way to show them you are thinking about them. Net photo.

Brighten someone’s day with a sweet text message. It could be to your mom, dad, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend-anyone with a cell phone really! You aren’t limited to sending them within romantic relationships, so if you don’t have a better half right now, don’t worry. You don’t have to miss out on all the fun. You can still send messages like; have a fantastic day, thank you for being so good to me, good luck with your presentation/test, thanks for the ride, you’re the best, etc.  Sometimes, it’s difficult to express what you’re feeling. You can send song lyrics, poetry, or quotes in order to express your feelings better especially if you’re at a loss for words.Make sure the message will be well-received. Don’t say something you have never said before. It doesn’t mean you can’t word what you’re feeling in a way you’ve never done before. It just means you should be careful not to scare someone off. If you’ve decided you love your boyfriend, but haven’t said it in person yet, don’t send it in a text! If you feel you like your friend differently, don’t text it. Some conversations are better saved for face-to-face moments, even in today’s high-tech society. There’s almost nothing more awkward than sending a text to your mom that you meant for your ‘squeeze’. You really don’t want her reading all the details about how you want to kiss your boyfriend or cuddle up next to him to watch a movie do you? Always check one more time before pressing ”Send” to avoid embarrassing situations. Go light on the abbreviations and symbols. Until you know they are familiar with the texting symbols and abbreviations you tend to use. Confusion will kill the moment. As long as you’re not interrupting someone’s sleep, there’s no real ”bad” time for a sweet text. Send them throughout the week to show people you care, even when you can’t spend time with them. They’re a quick and easy way to brighten someone’s day. Get creative or just have fun searching for the perfect quote.