Why you should stay away from bad friends

When you first meet someone, you don’t quite know whether or not they will make a good friend. Most people are on their best behavior because they want you to like them. Once the newness rubs off, their true colours surface.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Friends who like picking fights with you all the time are not good ones. Net photo.

When you first meet someone, you don’t quite know whether or not they will make a good friend. Most people are on their best behavior because they want you to like them. Once the newness rubs off, their true colours surface. Pay attention to what someone says and does in and out of your presence. Furthermore, if your so-called friend always makes you feel bad or uses bad words with you, imagine what they say or do when you aren’t around. A good friend will want the best for you and respect your decisions. They will never make you do something you don’t believe in or that will get you into trouble. Peer pressure is difficult to deal with, but it shows you who your real friends are. Have you ever had a friend who only wanted to do the things they felt were fun? This type of person only wants to use you for their own fulfillment. Friendship is a two way street and you shouldn’t feel as though you are the only one giving.Some bad friends are wolves wearing sheep skin. They may act as if they are supportive till you realize that the advice they gave you wasn’t exactly the best. A bad friend is someone who knowingly gives you bad advice just to see you get hurt. Friends who go around starting fires just then stand back and watch what happens are not good. A bad friend goes around telling people lies about you just to start controversy. Watch out for bad friends. Some people are simply not worth the trouble.