No one likes a selfish person

Selfish people are the ones that only care about themselves, they don’t care about others. Whatever they do, they put themselves first.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Selfish people are the ones that only care about themselves, they don’t care about others. Whatever they do, they put themselves first.Though we don’t usually expect everybody to be good and helpful, we don’t expect those people who use us for their own benefits. Though it is not easy to recognize a selfish person immediately, they possess some particular traits.  When it comes to getting their needs met and their work done, they will turn a deaf ear to the consideration of others. They only pay attention to their priorities and their goals.  It becomes difficult for such people to part with even simple things like their time.Truth is, a selfish person also ends up losing friends and loved ones because no matter how charming or interesting they are, a relationship with a them is hard to maintain. If you have selfish tendencies, don’t panic, you can change from that to a nice person. First, try to develop an understanding for other people. Allow yourself to imagine how they feel, what hurts them or makes them happy. Look for ways to help others. Being with other selfish people will not help you at all. There is a big difference between perceiving something, and actually willfully listening to what people have to say.Try to put the needs of other people before your own. Pay attention to the people in your life and find out what those needs are. Keep in touch with your friends, family and relatives, be honest and loyal, also consider the advice people give you. Learn to compliment other people and don’t just go on about how great you are.