Let’s protect the youth from drug abuse

Editor, Combating drug abuse is a community responsibility. This means that our children belong to us and it’s everybody’s duty to help the youth develop into responsible and productive citizens.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Editor,Combating drug abuse is a community responsibility. This means that our children belong to us and it’s everybody’s duty to help the youth develop into responsible and productive citizens.For instance, juvenile drug abuse is growing nowadays as increasing numbers of teens gain access to different street drugs. Though this vice is not rampant in Rwanda, we need to tackle it at its early stage.Youth need to be told that addiction is not a disease at all, but a human response to feelings which most of us find unbearable.  Parents at home and teachers need to monitor children closely. Together, we can end this vice and have better leaders and generation tomorrow.Mugisha RulisaKacyiru